Nongkrong (n). “The practice of sitting around not doing any work, doing absolutely nothing, without plan, thought or intention.”
Sounds wonderful doesn’t it? And let me tell you, it is wonderful. I LOVE nongkrong and whichever genius invented it, but there comes a time when all the nongkronging has to stop, and doing stuff – actual productive stuff, has to start. For me, that ‘doing stuff’ translated into updating this website, which, considering I had knocked up the design of the last version on the back of a paper napkin, couldn’t fail to be an improvement. So here it is, the fruits of a lengthy process of uploading 3123 photographs though a creaking Balinese ISP, and a long and prosperous friendship with the good people at WordPress (love your work, guys). I’ve even got the ball rolling on Facebook and Pintrest (where I still have no idea what I’m doing so please bear with me), but regardless, I feel like the nongkrong is over and now I’m going in the right direction. The show is on the road.